PivotMesh: Generic 3D Mesh Generation via Pivot Vertices Guidance

1South China University of Technology, 2Tsinghua University, 3ShengShu

Meshes generated by our method. Different from 3D generation methods based on neural representations like InstantMesh, our methods can generate compact and sharp meshes with much fewer faces when producing similar shapes.


Generating compact and sharply detailed 3D meshes poses a significant challenge for current 3D generative models. Different from extracting dense meshes from neural representation, some recent works try to model the native mesh distribution (i.e., a set of triangles), which generates more compact results as humans crafted. However, due to the complexity and variety of mesh topology, these methods are typically limited to small datasets with specific categories and are hard to extend. In this paper, we introduce a generic and scalable mesh generation framework PivotMesh, which makes an initial attempt to extend the native mesh generation to large-scale datasets. We employ a transformer-based auto-encoder to encode meshes into discrete tokens and decode them from face level to vertex level hierarchically. Subsequently, to model the complex typology, we first learn to generate pivot vertices as coarse mesh representation and then generate the complete mesh tokens with the same auto-regressive Transformer. This reduces the difficulty compared with directly modeling the mesh distribution and further improves the model controllability. PivotMesh demonstrates its versatility by effectively learning from both small datasets like Shapenet, and large-scale datasets like Objaverse and Objaverse-xl. Extensive experiments indicate that PivotMesh can generate compact and sharp 3D meshes across various categories, highlighting its great potential for native mesh modeling.


The overall method of PivotMesh. (a) Triangle mesh sequences are tokenized into mesh tokens and hierarchically decoded from face level to vertex level via our mesh auto-encoder. (b) The auto-regressive Transformer first learns to generate pivot vertices as coarse mesh representation and then generates the complete mesh tokens in a coarse-to-fine manner.


Unconditional Generation on ShapeNet

Unconditional Generation on Objaverse

Mesh Generation with Pivot Vertices Guidance

Pivot Vertices
Generated Mesh
Ground Truth
Pivot Vertices
Generated Mesh
Ground Truth

Further Applications

Reference Mesh
Generated Mesh
Reference Mesh
Generated Mesh
(a) Mesh Variation
(b) Coarse Mesh Refinement


        title={PivotMesh: Generic 3D Mesh Generation via Pivot Vertices Guidance}, 
        author={Haohan Weng and Yikai Wang and Tong Zhang and C. L. Philip Chen and Jun Zhu},